

Orange chicken served with wok-stirred vegetable rice served with patacon or Broccoli.—-

Pollo a la naranja acompañado de arroz con vegetales al wok servido con patacones o brocoli.


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Choice of Side / Selecciona tu acompañante

Broccoli, Patacon


Egg noodles in chicken and pork broth, served with tonkatsu pork, boiled egg, shiitake mushrooms, scallion and celery.--- Fideos en caldo de pollo


Egg noodles in soy flavored chicken and pork broth, served with pork, boiled egg, white fish and scallions. -- Fideos en caldo de pollo y cerdo, aderezados con soja, cerdo, huevo, pesca blanca y cebollín.


Wok sauteed rice with shrimp, pork, beef and vegetables.--- Arroz salteado al wok con camarones, carne de cerdo, res y vegetales.


Wok salted yakisoba noodles with beef, pork, shrimp and vegetables. --- Carne de res, carne de cerdo, camarones, fideos y vegetales salteados al wok.
